My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This book starts right after the events in the previous book, that is three days later. Charley has accidentally released the evil god Rey’azikeen on the world. Charley is determined to find and rescue her Reyes deep within the evil god. As with any Charley Davidson book, there is a mysterious murder case that Ubi has brought to Charley for help. Charley is trying to protect her friends, save Reyes and drinks as many cups of coffee as she possibly can. There is lots of humor, excitement and adventure. I love the supporting characters and how dedicated they are to Charley. This book is funny, exciting and very sexy. This series just keeps getting better and better and it shows no sign of slowing down. And of course, this book ends with an emotional, heart breaking cliff hanger that will keep me in pins and needles until the next book comes out. 5 stars.
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